Meet Joel

I want to thank Mike for setting this up. I think that it will be a good outlet for those of us who need such things. Allow myself to introduce... myself:

I'm Joel. I live in the very liberal Ann Arbor, MI. I am very conservative on the vast majority of issues. I have been married 3 1/2 years as well. Graduate of Arizona State University in Biochemistry and currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemical Biology from the University of Michigan. I was baptized into the Church in March of 2003.

I think that's enough non-politcal talk. Here's where I stand (in no particular order):

Pro gun
Pro life
Pro business
Anti illegal immigration
Anti amnesty
Anti discrimination
Anti affirmative action
Pro environment (to a point)
Pro animal research (if conducted properly)
Pro evolution (this may touch some nerves...)
Pro equal opportunity
Anti government handouts
Pro personal responsibilty
Anti big government
Anti Bush
Anti War in Iraq
Pro war on terror (i.e. Afganistan/Pakistan)

And the list I'm sure will go on. I will generally not apologize for any postions that I take. I enjoy reseraching and coming to my own conclusions about any given subject. I get way more excited about domestic issues and much less excited about international issues. I am willing to listen to other perspectives; just don't expect me to accept them. If I'm wrong, I'll tell you that too with an apology.


Unknown said...

Nice to "meet" ya, Joel. Lookin' forward to all this.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Joel, Nice to meet you - I'm sure we'll be fast friends:) I just have one question - how can one be pro-life and pro-gun (they are right next to each other on your list.) I don't get it. ;)

Anonymous said...

Just seems to be kind of an oxymoron.....

Stacy said...

Joel - I have a question for you. Why do you feel the need to put Anti-Bush on your list? I'm just curious is all. I agree with you on most things in your list, but if you're going to list Anti- anyone on your list, why don't you go with Anti-Hillary? That's all.

Joel said...

Rick - I'm going to have to disagree in seeing the oxymoron. Owning and using firearms is not disagreeable to protecting the sanctity of life. In fact, I can and do argue that the more people that responsibly own and use firearms, the fewer lives that are lost. Make the bad guy think twice about breaking into houses and/ or robbing people. I'm sure we'll talk more.

SSA (to steal Rick's nickname for you) - I'm anti Bush because I think he has proved that he is likely the worst President that this country has ever seen. He had blindly led us into unneccesary war (which I was saying BEFORE we invaded Iraq, over the objections of nearly everybody around me), unnessesary debt, made the government bigger, and overall killed the conservative priciples he ran on. I didn't like him in '04, either, but he was better than Kerry. I don't like him now.

The ONLY thing he has done correctly is get two conservative Supreme Court Justices on the bench, including the Cheif Justice. Hopefully those two choices will eventually make up for the crap he has put the country through.

Just a few reasons I am anti Bush. And of course I'm anti Hillary, that goes without saying, really...

Anonymous said...

Poor Hillary. People are anti-her just as a means of principal. Oh well. She's kind of weasley, isn't she. :) We'll agree to disagree on Guns...for now - I have to pick and choose my battles. So, I'm going to throw my chips in with you on the anti-Bush stance - dito to Joel. See, told you we'd be fast friends.

Stacy said...

To Rick- Hillary weasly? She's the devil!

Stacy said...

I meant to joel on that last comment!

The Wizzle said...

Why? I don't think I'll be voting for her but I'd love to hear why she, out of all the weasley politicians in this world, is "the devil".

Anonymous said...

I agree, Rachel - I didn't mention it, but there isn't a republican candidate that I don't think is weasely. But I wouldn't call them the Devil.

The Wizzle said...

Something about going around the country giving the same speech 5,728 times when you know good and well you full intend to follow through on none of it just says "weasley to me", call me crazy! Yay politics!

The Wizzle said...

How do you spell "weasley" anyway? I think we may have invented an adjective here, and when I look at it I just keep thinking of that redheaded boy from Harry Potter...

Anonymous said...

If anyone is interested I can prove that Hilary is the proliferation of ultimate power corrupts ultimately phrase. Secret combinations in our day. Using power and leverage to sabotage anyone who opposes you. Why do you think it took so long for the media to come out against her and now are attacking. I think they were afraid, and were waiting til they thought Obama could win. That is what I think and I don't have any proof on that, but some of the White House Records, are very interesting. It is no wonder that she didn't whant them released, but Judicial Watch went to court to get some of them released. Also look at Carl Rove's Letter addressed to Obama. I think it was in the Wall Street Journal. Or maybe Financial Times. I'll have to look it up.

Anonymous said...

As a point of interest the topic from the Clinton Library was in regard to Hillarycare. And Clarification, Rove's letter to Obama was on how to defeat Hillary.