
We've got a few roaring comment threads going still, but there are a lot of things worth discussing right now, so let's have a catch-all. Post any comment about any subject you want in the comment thread. Some things that are going on:

- Barack Obama selected Joe Biden as his running mate (with the vaunted text message going out around 3 AM EST - a parting shot at Hillary, perhaps?)

- Rumors that McCain has picked Mitt Romney as his running mate

- The flap over McCain's houses gaffe

- The dropping price of oil; why's that happening?

- The Olympics

- The debate over the drinking age

- Rumors (that are false, but still entertaining) that the Church put in a offer to buy Facebook!


Unknown said...

OK, I think I tentatively like Biden, but he's got a mouth which gets him in trouble. Anyone remember the "clean and articulate" thing? Or what if McCain picks Bobby Jindal? Awkward...

Stephanie said...

Go Romney!

Amy said...

I will believe he chooses Romney when it is announced. Until then I just have to be a little skeptical of everything I hear on the news.

I am loving watching the Olympics right now. Did anyone else see the Romanian female long distance marathon runner? She finished so far in front it was almost sad for the other runners!

And, did anyone else hear about the american volleyball coach's inlaws? They came to China to support him and were attacked at a tourist venue. The man was murdered on the spot, the woman in critical condition at the hospital. So sad. What a blight for the poor coach and his family whenever they remember Beijing Olympics.

Anonymous said...

It's great to have some substantial election news to think about (as opposed "What Chris Matthews said about the comments of McCain's campaign manager about Obama's campaign manager regarding the Rev. Wright's comments about Hillary," which is not too much of a parody of most of what's been offered up by the MSM these last couple months). I think Biden is an excellent pick, both politically and substantively. Political bottom line: Biden has foreign policy experience and appeals to some key Democratic Part voters. Substantive bottom line: If Biden were to wind up president, the country would be in good hands.

As for the price of gas, I don't think it's "coming down" in the sense of coming down to 2006 levels. As for the rumor about Romney, I'll believe it when it goes from McCain's lips to my ear.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

David - I didn't realize you and McCain were on such close terms... hmmmm...I don't know - For all you Mitt fans, I hope he does get the VP nod. Just to calm you down and let you pat yourselves on the back and stuff. Don't really know this Biden fella, but he's not Hillary, and, honestly, I wish he were. Oh well.

The church buying facebook? actually wouldn't surprise me. That's all I'll say on that (I could go on a long tirade, but it would gain alot of ire, and I've been working so hard to patch some of that up...)

Anonymous said...

I watched that link - that seems a pretty good mouth to have. Go him.

Jackson Howa said...

I tend to like Biden, especially as Obama's vp. He has more experience, which could lend the campaign more credibility. Also, his foreign policy savvy is off the charts, so that will help with military/diplomacy.

About the drinking age debate: I fully support either lowering the drinking age to 18 or allowing people between 18 and 21 to drink in private homes (including college dorms) but not in bars. Either way, the current drinking age is not effective. Almost everyone I know (who drinks) started drinking before they were 21. This creates several problems: (1) when a law is perceived as unfair by the public, the government loses its credibility (2) having laws that no one obeys creates and environment where it socially acceptable to break the law (3) the drinking age makes people disrespectful of (and unwilling to cooperate with) the police, (4) people between 18 and 21 who have a drinking problem may be unwilling to seek help for fear of being punished. Furthermore, the law just isn't effective! Other countries that have a lower drinking age have fewer traffic fatalities than the US.

Anonymous said...

I too don't think McCain will pick Romney, I would be shocked if he did. Who really cares if John McCain remembers how many houses he owns? That really is not at all pertinent to being a president in my opinion. The olympics were fun, too bad they are over and NO WAY were those Chinese gymnast girls all 16 years old, just no way! Biden as the VP, I could not care less but I could see him pulling a Howard Dean and scaring people by being crazy, but that would be okay with me :)

big.bald.dave said...

Who really cares if John McCain remembers how many houses he owns? That really is not at all pertinent to being a president in my opinion.

It is relevant because McCain's primary attack on Obama has been to peg him as an elitist that is out of touch with ordinary people. If you live in a glass house, probably best to not throw stones.

Yeah, and there is absolutely no way those girls were 16. I would be willing to be at least 2 of them were 12.

Stephanie said...

Sooo? Palin? What do you all think? Although I wanted Romney, she is a good choice to balance out the Democrat ticket. Plus, I like her. She seems to share the same values and has shows that she will stand up for what she believes in. I don't think she'll pick up feminists (who tend to be liberal and will go for Obama), but she could pick up a lot of non-feminist women who are impressed with a smart, accomplished conservative woman. Good choice!