Hillary & Bill

Anybody think that Hillary is tired of Bill's idiodic comments?

Nice! She misremembered (thanks for the word, Roger) because she's old and tired. Way to go, Bill! Your on the couch!


Stephanie said...

For being so politically savvy, Bill seems to keep putting his foot in his mouth on Hillary's behalf. Do you think there is a remote possibility he wants to sabotage her campaign? Or is he just not as politically savvy as everyone says he is?

Anonymous said...

Definitely dumb. Were it my spouse, I might forgive the "tired" part, but not the "old" bit! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Bill Clinton seem perpetually drunk these days? I severely dislike politicians - pretty much all makes and models. Funny stuff, thanks Joel

big.bald.dave said...

I think Bill Maher actually said it best - he thinks this is pure arrogance on the part of Bill Clinton. Because of who he is, he doesn't think his wife should be subject to this kind of scrutiny - that somehow she is above it. I thought the old/tired arguments were hilarious, personally. :)

Anonymous said...

Dave, lets be honest - Bill Maher usually says it best :)

big.bald.dave said...

Well, he at least usually says it funniest. I like Bill Maher a lot, but his stance on religion and religious people is irritating.

The Wizzle said...

And his stance on kids, don't forget! Chihuahuas are more important than human children, dontcha know...